Fellowship Point Irony

Fellowship Point Irony


Agnes and Polly are very close friends. Polly is always open, and she does not hide anything from Agnes. Ironically, Agnes has several secrets, including the motivation behind the authorship of her latest adult novel. Polly thinks that she knows everything about Agnes. However, Polly is shocked towards the end when Agnes reveals all her secrets before she dies.


Archie is a partner in the Point and is expected to work closely with Agnes and Polly and agree on a consensus about its future. Ironically, after agreeing with his partners to offer the Point to a Land Trust, he later takes a drastic turn and suggests that it must be sold. Archie listens to his wife's advice, and she is not directly linked to the Point.

James’ influence

James is currently not a partner in the Point. The only thing James is aware of is that he is the primary share of his mother in the Point. However, when Agnes is about to die, James becomes very powerful and overrides his mother's decision about the Point. Instead of supporting his mother's decision, he joins Archie and his wife, who are against the donation of the Point.

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