Bright Star Themes

Bright Star Themes


The movie alludes to biographical events from John and Fanny’s life and portrays the love story between the two, the love story that inspired great poetry. It shows two individuals finding the way to each other through grief and mutual passion. Sadly, the love story has a tragic ending, but the inspiration left behind remains.

Financial uncertainty

The movie also shows the troubles that come with financial uncertainty. Young Keats is reluctant to pursue Fanny because he doesn’t have enough means to provide for a wife. This is a very realistic aspect of life shown in the movie, despite its extremely romantic tone.


The movie shows the theme of grief as something that separates but also connects people. Keats and Browne connect through the grief for his brother Tom, who died of tuberculosis. Sadly, grief is also what separates the two, as Fanny is shown grieving for John, following the path he walked on and reciting the poem he wrote.


Given the fact that the movie is based on the biographical events of a famous poet, poetry is one of the central themes in the movie as well. Keats is shown as a struggling artist at the beginning who is reluctant to fall in love because of this. Nevertheless, he and Fanny connect through the love of poetry. The title of the movie is an allusion to his famous poem dedicated to their love.

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