Bright Star Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bright Star Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Needle and thread

The movie opens up with the scene of Fanny sewing one of her pieces of clothes. Fanny is interested in fashion and creates most of her dresses on her own. This opening scene showing a needle and thread at work could also be interpreted as having a deeper symbolic meaning. Threading is a symbol of connection, usually between the living and dead, so it could represent the lovers’ connection even after death.

Fanny’s clothes

Fanny’s first introduction in the movie makes her physically stand out from the rest. Her bright red dress makes her the center focus, while the rest of the scene fall into background. This is correlated to the title of the movie, as she is the bright star, and connected to her outspoken and open character.


Endymion is John Keats’s poetry collection that makes Fanny gain interest in him. The collection is a failure as it doesn’t sell. The main theme of the poetry is the theme of perfection in love-love being the main theme of the movie as well.

John’s paths

In the final scene Fanny is shown walking on the paths John enjoyed walking, as a form of grieving and remembering him. She recites the poem “Bright Star” that he wrote for her, marking the acceptance of his passing, and him continuing to live through his poetry.

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