Black Elk Speaks Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the novel’s title?

    The title of the novel is a reference to the primary character in the novel and the primary interview subject, the titular Black Elk, as well as a reference to the overall objective of the novel, that is, to preserve a way of life that has all but disappeared completely. It is also a reference to the fact that through this biography told indirectly through a translator, then told through a curious onlooker, Black Elk, after many years of silence finally gets a platform to speak about what he and his people had endured told from their point of view.

  2. 2

    What does Black Elk symbolize?

    Black Elk is more than just a tribal leader; as a medicine man, he is also the keeper of their tribal lore, therefore he is a keeper of their culture—their very way of life. He is a living connection to their past and a symbol of what their culture and people once was: proud, noble, and deeply and intimately connected to their land.

  3. 3

    What is Black Elk’s objective in deciding to participate in an interview with the author?

    In participating in the interview Black Elk hopes that he would be able to reach an audience willing to listen to his and his people’s way of life to develop both an awareness that it exists and for those listening to develop an appreciation for it. In doing that he desires and hopes that it would protect and preserve their culture and reawaken the collective sentiment of the Native Americans to return to the traditions that they once held dear.

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