Anansi Boys Imagery

Anansi Boys Imagery

Slipping out of the room

In the first chapter, when Charlie’s father comes to see his former wife for the last time, the entire hospital is bothered by the band hired by Charlie’s father to play for his mother. When the nurse comes to Charlie to tell him that the band has to go, Charlie is portrayed as a child, unable to do anything to stop his father from embarrassing him. This image is important because it shows that even though Charlie was no longer a child, his father still had the power to influence him and to make him act in a certain way.

The way he died

When Charlie tried to contact his father to invite him to his wedding, he was told that his father was dead. His old neighborhood described the way he died and the description creates both a comical and a tragic picture. Mr. Nancy died after singing in a bar and while he felt down from the stage, he grabbed a woman’s top and revealed her breasts to the whole bar. This portrays Mr. Nancy as a man who even in his last moments wanted to see what he liked his whole life.

Charming father

Charlie and the rest of the characters in the book talk a lot about Mr. Nancy and how he used to be. Mr. Nancy is portrayed as being a charming man who despite his old age still had the power to woo women and to make everyone do what he wants them to do. Mr. Nancy is not portrayed as a negative character even though he pushed his wife and his son away and is rather portrayed as a peculiar person who has many qualities and who must be admired. hahahahahahagahahahagagahagahahah

The Tiger

Another character that is described in the book is the Tiger. The Tiger is just like Anansi a mythical creature who once owned every story. He became bitter after Anansi took the stories and transformed them into positive ones. Because of this, the Tiger is portrayed in a negative way, as a character who is only interested in seeing people suffer and be in pain.

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