Amy Tan: Short Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Amy Tan: Short Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Fish Cheeks Symbol

The fish cheeks are a symbol of the awfulness of the occasion that Amy remembers. Although the entire evening was tortuous for her, the moment when her father offered her the fish cheeks, usually her favorite, sticks out in her mind as the most mortifying moment in a mortifying experience, and the cheeks therefore symbolize an occasion that she would really prefer to forget.

Post Prandial Belching Symbol

Amy's father leans back in his chair after dinner and gives an enormous belch. He then explains that in China this is a symbol of appreciation; it means that you have enjoyed and appreciated the meal, and that you are happily full and satisfied.

Food Symbol

Amy sees the raw fish on the counter top in the kitchen and realizes that it is a symbol of one of the many differences between her family and Robert's. It is also a symbol to her of the fact that her parents have not tried to assimilate into American culture, which both upsets and embarrasses her.

Bad Manners Symbol

Amy sees that her parents do not have very good manners and she sees this as a symbol of their inferiority socially to the pastor and his family. She also sees it as a symbol of their "Chinese-ness" which she finds upsetting in that she wishes they would act more American, and less like the Chinese ancestors they have left behind.

Food as a Symbol

In the story, food is also used as a symbol of love and caring; when Amy's father sees that she is not enjoying the dinner, and that she seems uncomfortable, he offers her the fish cheeks, her favorite part, and also the most tender. He does this rather than eating them himself, or offering them to guests, because he wants to cheer her up, and also to demonstrate his love and affection.

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