Alicia: My Story

Alicia: My Story

Her autobiography, Alicia: My Story, was published in Toronto and New York by Bantam in 1988. A reviewer for the New York Times said that the book "is so profoundly observed, and the life it records so remarkably lived, that no amount of prior immersion in the sad community of witnesses to the Holocaust can dull the reader to its heroine."[3] She was described as a person of "ferocious bravery".[3] According to WorldCat, the book is held in 1176 libraries.[4] It has been translated into French (Alicia: l'histoire de ma vie); into German (Alicia: Überleben, um Zeugnis zu geben); into Danish (Alicia: min historie); into Swedish (Alicia: min historia), into Dutch (Vergeten kan ik niet), and into Spanish (Alicia, la historia de mi vida).

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