Alicia: My Story Themes

Alicia: My Story Themes


From the beginning of the war, young Alicia was constantly struggling to survive. There were so many obstacles beyond the raging war and work and prison camps. Some starved to death or died from eating tainted food or water. Even when safe from the threat of death, the fear of being found was overwhelmingly powerful. Alicia risked her life not only for her own survival but also for that of others. Many risked their lives to protect her, provide her with food or a job. It was a scary time to be alive, with death being a constant worry. Despite the deaths of her family, Alicia continued on, surviving and overcoming the odds to live her life.


The soldiers Alicia describes show no mercy for her, at a young age, or for infants, elderly or children. When the Jurman family was staying with a friend, the landlord's daughter, Sarah, was pregnant. Baby Schmuel was born and brought joy back to their lives. Until the day the Germans raided the home, Schmuel was left in his crib as the family hid in the attic. Babies were difficult to hide, as their cries would give them away. After the soldiers left, Schmuel was found shot dead in his crib.

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