Alicia: My Story Summary

Alicia: My Story Summary

Alicia: My Story is a work that explores the limits of human strength and creativity, and finds that there are none. This story chronicles the life of a daughter of a factory owner who initially lived in a stable jewish family; however, the German invasion changed her life forever.

Alicia lived in a small town called Buczacz, which was occupied by the Germans. She was forced into a ghetto while her family was massacred. She and her mother, the last two surviving members of the family, succeed in circumventing the “Judenrein actions” by fleeing their town. While Alicia was caught a number of times, she survives this ordeal equipped with nothing but her imagination. She was able to escape by often disguising herself. For a while, Buczacz was liberated and they return to their home. Her mother was killed when it occupied again. This leads to a life on the run for Alicia.

After freeing a troop of soldiers, Alicia was given documents to validate her heroism. Those documents helped her attain some level of freedom. By the time she was 14, the war ended. She has contracted a serious illness and lands a camp in Austria. As she boards a ship to set sail for Israel, she was caught by the British and is forced to spend time on Cyprus before she was allowed entry. She then meets her future husband and soon gets married. Afterwards, they move to America.

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