Ain't I a Woman? (Speech)

Ain't I a Woman? (Speech) Essay Questions

  1. 1

    According to Sojourner Truth's speech, what are some of the arguments that men have against gender equality, and how does she refute them?

    First, Sojourner Truth references the biblical story of Eve causing Adam to sin. In response, she reminds her audience that Mary gave birth to Jesus. Indeed, Jesus was born of God and women, and men had no role in that event at all. Second, she also challenges men not to be afraid of the power of women. She reasons that giving power and equality to a woman does not make men less powerful, anticipating the possible fear of white men that giving rights to women will weaken their power in society.

  2. 2

    What do you think is the most effective of Sojourner Truth's rhetorical strategies in this speech, and why?

    I am particularly compelled by Truth's use of her wit and irony. For example, she treats men with sympathy and pity for their difficult position in being asked to give out more rights. This strategy serves to turn the tables on her opposition and generate goodwill from her audience. Rather than appearing angry and off-putting, she employs humor to make her point more effectively.

  3. 3

    Sojourner Truth makes several distinct arguments within the short span of her speech. Which do you this is most effective, and why?

    Towards the middle of the speech, Truth argues that men do not have to be afraid of giving women their rights because they will only be able to take as much as they are capable of, and thus there is no risk of the women usurping men's power. This is a powerful argument because it serves to placate men and reduce their fear and anxiety over what will happen once women gain their rights.