Yusef Komunyakaa: Poetry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Yusef Komunyakaa: Poetry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Stone- Facing It

Stone symbolizes the lack of emotions and feelings. The speaker in "Facing It" cannot hide his emotions about the Vietnam War because he is not a stone that cannot feel anything.

Night- Facing It

The night is symbolic of the torment that the speaker goes through as result of reflecting about the Vietnam War.

Light- Facing It

Light symbolizes the speaker’s hope because it makes the difference between what the speaker reflects about.

Hot asphalt-Prisoners

The hot asphalt in “Prisoners” symbolizes the mistreatment of the prisoners. The prisoners must walk on the hot asphalt before they get to the places where they will be questioned.

Crokersacks- Prisoners

The Crokersacks symbolizes the dehumanization of the prisoners. The sacks are made up of rough material, which means that the lives of the prisoners are difficult.

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