Yusef Komunyakaa: Poetry

Yusef Komunyakaa: Poetry Analysis

Facing It

Light is significant in "Facing It" because it influences the reflections of the persona. Arguably, the memories of the Vietnam War haunt the speaker at night. Therefore, the persona looks forward to the morning when there will be light. The speaker is traumatized because of his involvement in the Vietnam War that is why his thoughts revolve around the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Post Trauma Stress Disorder harms the people that have been exposed to stressful scenarios such as war.


In “Prisoners’ the person condemns the mistreatment of the prisoners. The prisoners are helpless based on how they walk, and they are dressed. The persona compares them with the box kites because they appear to be weak and at the mercy of their captors. It is inhumane to imprison other human beings, yet other people mistreat others because they are in a vantage position. The prisoners are referred to as figures because they are dehumanized and treated as if they are not human beings. The persona evokes pity towards the prisoners because he wonders who will cry on their behalf. The prisoners bear a high weight on their soldiers because of the humiliation that they are subjected to after arriving their destination by way of helicopters. Even the persona is not in a position to help the prisoners; thus the persona poses a rhetorical question to relay his inability to intervene in the lives of the prisoners.

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