Woman of Light Metaphors and Similes

Woman of Light Metaphors and Similes

The souls of the newly dead

This simile compares the flickering of thistle and chokecherry tree stems to the souls of the recently deceased. It is used to create a sense of dread and mystery as if something supernatural is at work. The simile also implies that this is a place of death, where something has been abandoned and must be found. The image of the flickering stems reflects the situation's uncertainty and the need to delve deeper into it to discover the truth. As the protagonist, Desiderya, searches for a message in the water, the imagery of the flickering stems creates a sense of foreboding and anticipation. The simile is used to add to the atmosphere of mystery and to emphasize the importance of the moment.

A stone in her throat

The simile "Whenever Luz thought of her mother, she felt like a stone was lodged in her throat" describes Luz's emotional weight when she thinks of her mother. The comparison to a stone in her throat implies that the pain and sadness she feels when she thinks of her mother are so intense that it is almost physically painful. The image of a stone in her throat also represents how her emotions are being choked out and prevented from expressing themselves fully. She is suppressing her emotions and not allowing herself to fully experience the pain and sadness she is feeling. This further emphasizes the idea that Luz's feelings of grief, loss, and abandonment are so intense and overwhelming that it's easier for her to try and ignore them than to confront them.

Spidery arms

Pidre, a young boy who is not physically strong but is very clever and creative, is described as a "runt of a boy with spidery arms and twig legs." He is referred to as a "runt of a boy," implying that he is short in stature and not as strong as the other boys. His arms are described as "spidery," implying that they are thin and delicate. His legs are described as "twig" legs, implying that he is frail and cannot run or jump as well as the other boys. This metaphor emphasizes Pidre's physical weakness while still outwitting the other boys with his intelligence and creativity.

Deer-like legs

This simile compares Diego's graceful movements to those of a deer, implying lightness and agility. Diego's performance is also enhanced by this imagery, which depicts deer as graceful and elegant animals. Furthermore, the comparison to a deer implies a level of nuance, which is emphasized by the other descriptions of Diego's attire and bearing. The narrator emphasizes Diego's showmanship by comparing him to a deer, as well as his ability to captivate the audience with his skill and performance.

Tin cans of pebbles

Fear and danger are conveyed by the simile "their tips hissed like tin cans of pebbles." It compares the rattlesnake tails to the sound of a tin can being shaken, a noise that often implies something sinister. The image of a rattlesnake shaking a can of pebbles suggests that the rattlesnakes were large and powerful, as pebbles would not have enough force to make much noise in such a small can. This simile depicts the audience's reaction to seeing rattlesnakes, as well as the potential danger such reptiles pose.

A doll

The woman is compared to a doll in the simile "She looked like a doll in a sailor's dress with red lips and white teeth." It implies that the woman is lovely and delicate, dressed in a navy blue gown and with perfect facial features. Her red lips may represent her boldness, while her white teeth emphasize her youth and innocence. This simile highlights the woman's beauty and grace while also setting the tone for the rest of the passage.

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