Woman of Light Literary Elements

Woman of Light Literary Elements


Historical fiction

Setting and Context

The novel is set in the 1930s in Denver, Colorado and the mystical realm of Luz's ancestors.

Narrator and Point of View

The novel is told from a third-person point of view.

Tone and Mood

The novel is mournful, solemn, violent, tense, intense, magical, mystical, and exploratory.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Luz Lopez is the protagonist of the novel; the racism and violent behavior Luz has to deal with is the antagonist of the novel.

Major Conflict

Luz's struggle to survive despite not having a job or support system and her struggle to understand her past and ancestors.


When Luz is finally able to save the stories of her family and people from being summarily destroyed.


Diego being run out of town by a white mob is foreshadowed by his early interactions with Luz.


The danger that Luz faces while going around Denver in the 1930s is understated frequently in the novel.


There are a number of allusions to the culture, language, and religion of the Native Americans, the geography of the U.S., Colorado, and Denver, as well as allusions to Catholicism/Christianity, science, and music.


As Luz moves into the spiritual realm, ghost-like imagery becomes more common.


Luz is a young woman (far too young to be on her own), yet her brother didn't take her with him when he left town.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Guns are used to refer to firearms; Denver is used to refer to the capital of Colorado and the seat of government in Colorado.


The spiritual world Luz enters is personified and given human characteristics and traits throughout the book.

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