Wise Children

Major symbols

There are many symbols used in the book which illustrate the themes. Carter frequently uses objects and places which take on meanings beyond the literal and begin to develop ideas about society, for example:

A grandfather clock represents their absent father, as it was given to them by their great Aunt (Ranulph's Sister) and sent to their house as the last known address of Melchior. It is also a phallic symbol. It is flawed, as it doesn't always strike the right time: "it gives out the time in a falsetto ping, and always the wrong time". This links to their father, as he is also flawed, there being aspects of his personality which are less than admirable.

Song and dance represents their career. Like them it is light-hearted and full of energy.

London is their home city and their birthplace. There is a carnivalesque element to London as a city that is constantly changing.

The pairing of opposites is shown in sets of twins and in the family names "Chance" and "Hazard" (two words with the same meaning, perhaps emphasising the superficial nature of the differences between them).

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