Winter Counts Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main theme in ‘Winter Counts?’

    The drug epidemic emerges as the main theme in the novel. The Indian Reservation is faced with many challenges, but the worst is substance abuse. Criminal gangs operate in the underworld, selling heroin and opioids to people. Many people have committed criminal activities such as murders, theft, and rape because of drug addiction.

  2. 2

    Why is Virgil falling victim to the exclusiveness with the Reservation?

    Virgil finds himself at crossroads because he is struggling with an identity crisis. Virgil is half native and half white. Therefore, people on the Reservation do not see him as one of their own. Therefore, the native people discriminate against him because they assume he is superior to them.

  3. 3

    What are the moral implications of turning a blind eye to escalating criminal activities in the Reservation?

    The federal agency is not justified to ignore the escalating criminal activities in the Reservation. The reader learns that the criminal cases in the Reservation are piling up every day. Still, the security agencies do not show any effort to help in reducing the crime rate that is ever increasing. Therefore, the people in the reservation advocate for the rise of a vigilante that can fight for their justice.

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