What's Eating Gilbert Grape

What's Eating Gilbert Grape Character List

Gilbert Grape

The titular protagonist of the film, Gilbert is a 24-year-old grocery clerk. Following his father's suicide and his mother's spiral into depression, Gilbert supports his family both financially and emotionally. His main role is to care for Arnie, his developmentally delayed brother. Although Gilbert enjoys Arnie's company, he undoubtedly feels the burden his younger places on him—it is his responsibility to supervise and run after his brother when he gets into trouble. Gilbert has difficulty processing his intense emotions, and his behavior often becomes explosive. As the story progresses, Gilbert becomes increasingly torn between his own search for independence and his family's reliance on him.

Gilbert has an affair with Betty Carver, a mother and wife who lives in Endora. Though he appears relatively unenthusiastic about the affair, he is always worried that he is going to be discovered and punished by Mr. Carver, Betty's husband. This heightens Gilbert's anxiety. However, Gilbert finds a way of escaping his stressful life in Endora when he meets Becky, a young girl traveling through town with her grandmother. As his relationship with Becky grows, Gilbert is forced to consider how he treats himself and those around him. He learns to show compassion rather than hate and how to find the balance between taking time for himself and making time for others.

Arnie Grape

Arnie is Gilbert's younger brother. During the period narrated in the film, Arnie turns eighteen. Due to his developmental delay, doctors thought that Arnie would die before he reached adulthood. His birthday is a remarkable feat, and his family carefully plans his birthday party in order to celebrate. Arnie is entirely dependent on Gilbert, and he accompanies his older brother wherever he goes. Arnie enjoys heights, and he can often be found hiding in the branches of the tree in his family's yard or climbing Endora's water tower. That latter activity is particularly worrisome to his town's community, and it culminates in Arnie's arrest in the latter half of the film.

Arnie is generally happy and goofy. He outwardly expresses his love for his family, and Bonnie and his siblings reciprocate with tenderness. However, Arnie has difficulty understanding the effects of his behavior. As a result, he often becomes hysterical and, at times, combative. Throughout the film, Arnie develops his own relationship with Becky. When Gilbert has difficulty expressing his vulnerability and thus pushes himself away from Becky, Arnie reaches out, eventually bringing the two closer together. In this way, members of the Grape family—and Gilbert especially—are able to learn from Arnie and actions.

Bonnie Grape

Bonnie Grape is the mother of Gilbert, Amy, Ellen, and Arnie. After her husband committed suicide by hanging himself in the basement seven years ago, Bonnie developed severe depression. Her depression has resulted in her becoming morbidly obese and home-ridden. As a result of her condition, the other members of the Grape family are forced to be her caregivers. Additionally, Gilbert and Amy, the two oldest siblings, have taken on parental roles as a result of her inability to provide for her children.

Bonnie is self-conscious and hyper-aware of the effect she has on her family. She is loving and sweet, and she is especially sensitive to Arnie. When she leaves the house for the first time in order to rescue Arnie from his arrest, she truly becomes aware of her appearance. She begins to see how she is perceived by her community, and, as a result, becomes even more withdrawn and self-scrutinizing. Her dissociative behavior reaches its peak when she decides to stay inside during Arnie's birthday party. Following his birthday, Bonnie passes away peacefully in her sleep. Her death marks a new era in the lives of the Grape children.


Becky arrives in Endora after the camper she is driving with her grandmother breaks down. Becky is characterized as worldly and adventurous, and she is attracted to others who share her same lust for life. After she sees Gilbert coax Arnie down from the water tower, she becomes more interested in him and the entire Grape family. She soon develops individual relationships with Arnie and Gilbert, the latter a romance. Becky demonstrates a keen interest in Gilbert's mental health and general well-being. She encourages him to process his emotions and challenge himself. Becky's arrival in town reminds Gilbert that there is a world outside Endora. When Gilbert finally decides to introduce Bonnie to Becky, we are able to see how much of an impact Becky has had on his life. The film's final scene suggests that Becky and Gilbert have maintained a relationship one year after they have first met.

Amy Grape

Amy is Gilbert's older sister. While Gilbert assumes the traditional paternal role, Amy's behavior is maternal. She cooks and cleans the dilapidated home, and she provides Bonnie with the things she needs to feel comfortable. She takes special care in preparing for Gilbert's eighteenth birthday party, and she is especially upset when Gilbert runs into her, causing her to drop the cake.

Ellen Grape

Ellen is Gilbert's youngest sister. In the opening credits, Gilbert remarks that she has just gotten her braces off and has recently become more narcissistic. She often makes sarcastic and biting remarks to her family members, which indicates her frustration and her abandonment issues.

Betty Carver

Betty Carver is unhappily married with two sons. She frequents Lamson's Grocery in order to seduce Gilbert, with whom she is having an affair. Betty's life appears to be relatively uneventful, and her affair with Gilbert undoubtedly gives her a thrill. She often plays games with her young lover, and she finds it humorous that her husband could find out about the affair and therefore punish Gilbert. Her boredom and need to stir the pot lead her to facilitate a meeting between her husband and Gilbert, which merely results in the discussion of the Grapes' insurance plan.

Once Becky arrives in Endora, Betty grows increasingly jealous of Gilbert's potential feelings for another woman. After Mr. Carver dies from a heart attack, many town people believe that she is the one who caused her husband's death. This gossip prompts her to leave Endora and start fresh in St. Louis. Before leaving, Betty confides in Gilbert and tells him that he is a good person. She also indicates that she, in the end, does approve of his relationship with Becky.

Mr. Carver

Mr. Carver is Betty Carver's husband and an insurance broker in Endora. Although he almost catches Gilbert in the middle of a rendezvous with his wife, he remains oblivious to Betty's affair. Throughout the film, he continually hassles Gilbert to meet with him at his office. When Gilbert finally does, he surprisingly finds that it is merely to discuss his family's insurance plan. Mr. Carver suffers a heart attack and drowns in his children's swimming pool outside of his home. His sudden death rocks the Endora community, and it simultaneously prompts his family to move to St. Louis.

Tucker Van Dyke

Tucker Van Dyke is Gilbert's loyal friend. In numerous scenes, he is shown repairing the Grape home and attempting to remedy its endless structural problems. Tucker is morally upright, and he often shows Gilbert sympathy while simultaneously calling Gilbert out when he is disrespectful or overly critical of Bonnie. Tucker's main personal goal is to get a job at Burger Barn, which he finally accomplishes on the same day as Arnie's birthday party.


Bobby is a funeral director and Gilbert's friend. He frequents the diner with both Gilbert and Tucker, where the three often engage in deep discussions. During one of their meals together, Bobby makes a comment about how the people at the morgue often make fun of grotesque bodies. This topic of conversation definitely persuades Gilbert in his decision to not bury Bonnie in a traditional way.