What Girls Need Summary

What Girls Need Summary

What Girls Need” is a guidebook for parents to help them raise their daughters to be resilient and courageous, to find their voice and not be afraid to speak out confidently amongst their male peers and to follow their ambitions unapologetically. The author shares her own experience in the book, getting a degree from a male-dominated Geophysics department from Harvard, and becoming an expert against terrorism, amongst other things.

Attending an all-girl Baldwin school, the author recognized and gained early on the confidence to push herself further and follow her ambitions. After her admirable career, flying jets and working for the White House, she returned to her old school to take the position of the head. Returning to the place that helped shape her career path, she became aware of the significant details that pushed her into becoming a resilient and audacious woman in a man’s world. Combining personal anecdotes and important lessons she learned on the way, the author wrote a book that can serve as a guide for all the parents of young girls, to help them become strong, independent and confident leaders of tomorrow.

The author refers to her book as not only being meant for those who consider themselves feminists, or those who have a daughter or sister. It is for everyone who has a young woman in their life and cares about her future.

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