"We Are the Music Makers" and Other Poems

"We Are the Music Makers" and Other Poems Analysis

“We are the Music Makers” is a testament to all creative individuals of the world of the hard path to success that they must endure to reach their desired destination. O’Shaughnessy’s words are filled with so much pain and passion as they attempt to summarize lifelong trials that artists endure in search of greatness. At times, these individuals are broken down by the world to the point where they think that their ideas will never see the light of day.

Through their creative works, these gifted visionaries gift humanity with the most essential tools required for survival in the ever-changing world. The largest portion of the human civilization simply benefits from these innovative designs that transcend their lives. The abnormal and overtly delusional way in which they think and live everyday life doesn’t make sense to the mass population, yet it’s through these unique minds that humanity progresses and becomes better.

After their visions have materialized and impacted the world, these individuals are looked at as beyond human and praised for their transformational ideas. Through the dreams of one man, an entire nation can be destroyed and rebuilt anew. The secret of creating something new lies in the destruction of something else. All things have their initial place of origin. In the rubles of a fallen empire, a new and even greater empire is built. All it takes to give birth to something new is one individual who sees more than the rest and takes initiative.

It’s in this sense, that creativity can never be fully indoctrinated into the masses, because if it becomes too accessible to everyone, it loses its essence of creating something revolutionary. Therefore, art must be disregarded, criticized, and disconnected from reality for it to transcend into a larger-than-life mechanism that dares everyday reality. That is how they become rebels of society who dare to disrupt and bring change to the masses.

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