"We Are the Music Makers" and Other Poems Background

"We Are the Music Makers" and Other Poems Background

Arthur O’Shaughnessy was a British poet and zoologist, known also for his significant work with reptiles which would result in his name a part of scientific names of several types of reptiles. In the poetry department he is most known for his poem “Ode” which begins with the famous line “we are the music makers”. The poem has been turned to music compositions by several compositors.

The first collection of poetry that he published is called “Epic of Women”. O’Shaughnessy also collaborated with his wife Eleanor in writing of children poetry. His life wasn't an easy one, losing both his children and wife early on. The cause of his death is up to this day referred to as "chill".

An Ode is a type of poem that refers to a praise of some object, person or idea. In his poem self-explanatory titled as “Ode”, or very often titled with the opening lines, i.e. “We Are the Music Makers”, the poet refers to humanity in general, to dreamers and poets, to man himself praising the accomplishment and predicting future ones.

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