Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Literary Elements

Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Literary Elements



Setting and Context

Brooklyn, New York

Narrator and Point of View

From Feldman's point of view

Tone and Mood

Solemn, Creepy, Sad, Chaotic, Mysterious, and Repressive

Protagonist and Antagonist

Feldman (Protagonist) vs. Feldman's ultra-religious community (Antagonist)

Major Conflict

Feldman's struggle to cope with - and eventually escape - her ultra-religious community


When Feldman ultimately escapes the community


Feldman's growing unhappiness which ultimately leads to her escape from the community is foreshadowed often and early on in the book.


The naivete of many of the adherents is understated throughout the book.


To the history of the United States, geography, religion (mainly Judaism), mythology, and popular culture


Feldman uses intense imagery to underscore the repressive and strange nature of the ultra-religious Jewish community she lived in for a good portion of her life.




Feldman's story while living in the community is paralleled with the stories of those who live in the community.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Satmar = a sect of Hasidic Judaism


Judaism is personified throughout the book.

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