Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Characters

Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Character List

Deborah Feldman

Deborah is the narrator of this autobiography. She was born into the strict Hasidic community with little exposure to the lifestyle of other Americans as she was only allowed to speak in the native language, not English, and only to other members of the community. She struggled a lot living in the arranged marriage and also suffered from vaginismus which led to problems in her marriage.

Joel Feldman

He was her Deborah’s former husband. The two did not know much about each other before they joined in an arranged marriage. The marriage was described as being ‘loveless’ and much of their relationship relayed around trying to have a child.

Shoshana Rachel Levy

Shoshana is Deborah’s mother. Having grown up similarly to Deborah in the strict Jewish community, she too longed for her freedom and eventually left the community as well as Deborah herself. She also came out as being gay, which garnered much shame on her family

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