Under the Bridge Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Under the Bridge Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The bridge

The bridge symbolizes refuge for Tate and his brother Indy. Tate and his brother live in a dangerous town. The only safe place for these two boys is under the bridge, where they play skating. In addition, the bridge helps Indy and his brother to distract themselves from getting involved in drug addiction and criminal activities.


The skateboard symbolizes Indy's infatuation. Readers realize that Indy loves skating and carries his skateboard wherever he goes. For instance, Indy goes to school with his skateboard to play all the way and back. Indy is the best skating player in school and his neighborhood, and this is symbolized by the skateboard he owns.


The school symbolizes the strained relationship between Indy and his father. Indy's father wants him to concentrate on his studies and score well. The father is genuinely concerned because he wishes his sons a better future. However, Indy hates school with passion. Instead, Indy wants to play skating and do other things. When the relationship with his father worsens, Indy drops out of school, and his desperation leads him to join criminal elements in town. Late, the police arrest Indy and charge him with illegal drug dealings.

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