Under the Bridge Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Using a relevant example, show how Michael Harmon uses the skating park as an emblem of diversion.

    The skating sporting facility is an emblem of diversion in the novel. Readers interact with several characters deeply buried in drug addiction in the small town. Characters like Tate go to the skating sporting facility to play and distract themselves from getting involved in criminal activities and drug addiction. In other words, Michael Harmon uses the skating park as an escape route for those who do not want to get into trouble with law enforcement agencies.

  2. 2

    Describe Tate's individuality as depicted by the author in Under the Bridge.

    Tate is the most disciplined character in the novel. The author depicts Tate as a brilliant, determined, concerned, and supportive character. Throughout the text, readers follow how Tate respects his father and encourages his brother, Indy, to be obedient. Similarly, Tate plays a significant role in helping his friends avoid drug addiction and instead participate in skating. Tate does his best to secure Indy's release after the police arrest him. In addition, Tate requests his father to accept Indy back because he promises to be obedient and stop his drug addiction.

  3. 3

    What is the significance of Lucius in the novel, and how does he influence other youths to follow his ways?

    Lucius is a young, super-rich student on campus who engages in drug dealings. The author uses the character Lucius to show readers the influence of drug addiction in learning institutions. Lucius is very rich and uses his affluent lifestyle to influence other students to join him. For instance, Indy is attracted by Lucius's opulent lifestyle, and he joins the underground drug business, which later lands him in jail.

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