Tristan Quotes



"Diese Helligkeit und Härte, diese kalte, herbe Einfachheit und reservierte Strenge verleiht mir Haltung und Würde, gnädige Frau, sie hat auf die Dauer eine innere Reinigung und Restaurierung zur Folge, sie hebt mich sittlich, ohne Frage..."


"This brightness and hardness, this cold, austere simplicity and reserved strength, madame-it has upon me the ultimate effect of an inward purification and rebirth. Beyond a doubt, it is morally elevating."

Herr Spinell, 6

Herr Spinell talks about Einfried and how its simplicity purifies his soul. A man doesn't always need simplicity and gets tired of it quickly, but it is necessary for his inner health and purification. This is the opinion of Herr Spinell. It does make sense because too much of anything proves to be bad, even being overly comfortable; there is a need for balance to be able to be a whole, genuine person.


"Gäbe ich mich, wie ich bin, so würde ich bis in den Nachmittag hinein im Bette liegen, glauben Sie mir. Wenn ich früh aufstehe, so ist das eigentlich Heuchelei."


"If I were to act out my true character, I should be lying in bed late into the afternoon. My getting up early is all hypocrisy, believe me."

Herr Spinell, 6

This quotation serves as evidence of Herr Spinell's thought that he is conscious in this world. He basically admits that he is a lazy character on the inside and that all the bother of outside world and societal rules he is obliged to follow only makes him a hypocrite.


"Da ist ein wunderbares Geschöpf, eine Sylphe, ein Duftgebild, ein Märchentraum von einem Wesen. Was tut sie? Sie geht hin und ergibt sich einem Jahrmarktsherkules oder Schlächterburschen."


"Take some wonderful creature, a sylph, an airy wraith, a fairy dream of a thing, and what does she do? Goes and gives herself to a brawny Hercules at a country fair, or maybe to a butcher's apprentice."

Herr Spinell, 7

This basically sums up Herr Spinell's opinion about Frau Kloterjahn's marriage to Herr Kloterjahn. He makes a mythical allegory where Frau Kloterjahn is a fairy and Herr Kloterjahn is a brawny Hercules. He glorifies Frau Kloterjahn and believes that Herr Kloterjahn is not worthy of her, that pretty much no man is worthy of her and her invisible crown.

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