Tristan (Gottfried)


The first modern edition of Gottfried's Tristan was that of Christian Heinrich Myller in 1785, and there have been many since. However, there is still no satisfactory critical edition and three editions are in use:

  • Friedrich Ranke (Weidmann 1930, with corrections 1949). This is the standard edition, but contains no critical apparatus. Most readily available in 3 volumes with Modern German translation, commentary and epilogue by Rüdiger Krohn (Reclam 1980) ISBN 3-15-004471-5, ISBN 3-15-004472-3 and ISBN 3-15-004473-1. All Tristan literature uses Ranke's line numbering for references to the text.
    • Digital copy (Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn).
    • Plain text, without line numbering (Projekt Gutenberg-DE).
  • K. Marold (de Gruyter 1906), republished in 2004 with an afterword by Werner Schröder ISBN 3-11-017696-3. Though the text is inferior to Ranke's, this is the only edition to provide full critical apparatus.
  • R. Bechstein (2 vols, Leipzig, 1870), re-issued in a revised version edited by Peter Ganz (2 vols, Brockhaus 1978), which includes Bechstein's running commentary and indicates differences from Ranke's text.

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