Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Themes

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Themes


One of the main themes explored in the novel is the theme of identity. Marx and Sam are both Asian American, and they struggle with identity in the sense that they feel that they don’t belong in either part of their heritage. Throughout the span of the novel, Sam struggles with coming to terms with his disability from the car accident he was a part of when he was a child and met Sadie for the first time. Sadie, on the other hand, struggles with her identity in the sense that it’s rare for a woman to go into the field of programming, especially at the time the plot takes place. She is naturally met with stigma and underestimation that comes with that.


The novel doesn’t portray the theme of love in the traditional romantic sense. Sadie and Sam are not lovers per se, but their story is a love story. They met each other by accident when they needed each other the most: Sam going through trauma from the car accident and Sadie visiting her sister battling cancer. They connect through the appreciation of gaming, and reconnect for the same reason later in life. Sadie’s and Sam love is based on understanding and challenging of each other.

Video games

The central theme of the novel is the theme of gaming and video games. It shows an evolution of video games intertwined with the stories of the main characters. Video games and gaming are not just simple leisure, but a world of possibilities and escape from reality. As it’s said in the novel, the game represents tomorrow, infinite possibility and the complete absence of loss.

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