Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How did Sam and Sadie meet for the first time?

    Sadie and Manie’s relationship started when they were around eleven years old. Sadie Green was in the hospital, looking after her sister suffering from cancer. Later, Sam was brought in as an accident victim after they were involved in a horrific accident that killed his mother. Sam and Sadie met at the hospital’s gaming room for children, and they got attracted to each other after some time. Sadie and Sam started bonding while playing his favorite game, Super Mario Bros. Sadie repeatedly came to play with Sam in the children's room at the hospital. Their relationship continued for many years later.

  2. 2

    What is the biggest achievement of Sadie and Sam in their lives?

    When Sam and Sadie reunited at the university, they collaborated to design the most famous Ichigo game, a blockbuster that brought them into the global limelight of fame. Sam and Sadie created their company, Unfair Games, which specializes in gaming. Consequently, Sam and Sadie’s biggest achievement is the combination of their minds to create a formidable company in the world.

  3. 3

    What is the primary conflict between Sadie and Sam?

    Sadie and Sam are intelligent and have the best brains the world can offer. Despite being successful in the gaming industry, the reader notes that Sam and Sadie do not agree on several things. For instance, Sadie wants their games to be based on art and beauty. Sadie also wants their game to be difficult at advanced levels. However, Sam is always of a contrary opinion because he wants their games to be easy and entertaining based on his background and circumstances. Therefore, there is always a point of disagreement between Sam and Sadie before they make a decision.

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