To the Welsh Critic Who Doesn't Find Me Identifiably Indian Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What aspects of the Indian religion does the poem explore? How are the Welsh Critic’s actions harmful to the Indian religion?

    The aspects of the Indian religion in the poem comprise of dharma, Nirvana, and hermeticism. When the speaker says, “I long for a nirvana/that is hermetic/ odour-free/bottle in Switzerland/ money-back-guarantee”, it portends that the Welsh critic’s intent, which is connoted by ‘money-back-guarantee, is to commodify the Indian religion. It the Indian religion were a commodity, then it would have been procured from India as opposed to Switzerland, since the roots of the Indian religion are in India and not Switzerland. Therefore, the Welsh critic falsifies the Indian religion through commercialization.

  2. 2

    Highlight the Welsh Critic’s micro-aggressions that are offensive towards the Indian.

    The Welsh critic trivializes the Indian’s communication skills. Also, the critic undermines the Indian’s alphabet. Smearing of the Indian’s consonants using cow-dung amounts to a microaggression that is intends to alter the Indian’s identity so that it can be analogous to the Welsh identity. By and large, the Welsh critic’s actions amount to culture discrimination.

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