To the Welsh Critic Who Doesn't Find Me Identifiably Indian Background

To the Welsh Critic Who Doesn't Find Me Identifiably Indian Background

“To the Welsh Critic Who Doesn’t Find Me Identifiably Indian” is a poem that was written by Arundhathi Subramaniam. Subramaniam is an Indian poet who is also an artist and lives in Mumbai and Coimbatore. She works to capture spirituality and culture through her writing and as a poetry editor and curator. She has written four poetry books, and her prose is also very well known, as well as her anthology of essays.

This poem, by Subramaniam, is a poem that addresses how the Western culture demands ethnic authenticity that is based on false expectations. The modernity with which the West is extremely proud of is completely backwards as they don’t see what cultural authenticity really is. She starts off with very strong wit and emotion, and even though the title is addressed to that Welsh, critic, Subramaniam is actually addressing all the people tell others how to belong and how to act acceptably.

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