Timepiece Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Mary Anne Parkin want to give the timepiece to Jenna for her wedding?

    Mary Anne wants Jenna to have the timepiece to pass along through future generations of her family. It is a symbol of life and how it progresses through time as people die and others are born. The timepiece keeps the memory of her daughter alive and allows her to continue to be cherished throughout time.

  2. 2

    Why does David Parkin not kill Cal Barker when Officer Brooks sets up the chance to do so?

    David Parkin refuses the offer to kill Cal Barker because he feels that it will diminish the memory of Andrea. She would not want her father to kill for her and to let Officer Brooks take the blame would tarnish his name as well as Parkin’s.

  3. 3

    Why does David Parkin want to tell Andrea that he is not her father?

    David Parkin feels guilty about not telling Andrea that he is not her father. He feels that he is lying to the child. He loves her as if she is his own and does not want to deceive her in any way.

  4. 4

    Why does Lawrence Flack place his Angel statue on Andrea’s grave?

    Lawrence Flake gives his Angel statue to Andrea for he feels that her pure spirit deserves to be watched over by the Angel. He wanted it on his grave to make people think that he was important. The death of Andrea has shown him that it does not matter what people think of you in death for you will not know it. He wants to give the Angel to her to watch over her family and loved ones as they grieve for the life she could have had.

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