Tik-Tok Imagery

Tik-Tok Imagery

A Perfect Home

The novel begins unassuming and depicts a perfect home with a perfect house robot doing his chores and even painting a mural on the wall to make his owners' kids happy when they get back from their camp. The robot seems content and happy with his work and disappointed when the owners disapprove of it. The robot talks about other chores he has to do around the house. This imagery doesn't give off the menacing nature of the upcoming acts and therefore the sudden revelation of them is shocking in contrast.

A Robot Graveyard

Tik-Tok goes to watch the place by the river where the robots that are no longer used are disposed of. The place looks like a graveyard with robot parts and disassembled robots everywhere. The robots that are alive are barely hanging on and waiting for their time.

The Sun

Sun as imagery is present in many scenes. Tik-Tok often contemplates the beauty of sun and sunset. Towards the end he discovers that the old rugged man used sunspots to cheat in his chess playing game.

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