Tik-Tok Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the author use the literary device personification in the novel ‘Tik-Tok’?

    Tik-Tok is a robot that has been personified to act like a human being. The author reflects on the modern society that is embracing robots in everyday life to make work easier. However, in Tik-Tok's case, it has artificial intelligence, but the author has personified it to have human feelings. The author argues that Tok-Tok thinks about his life, art, and death. The reader knows it is only a human being who can think about death and life. Therefore, personification is a literary device that personifies objects, and this helps in engaging the reader to continue reading the novel.

  2. 2

    Is ‘Tik-Tok’ a satirical novel?

    Tik-Tok is a robot, and the reader expects that it is operated according to orders and specific computer laws that control its actions. However, Tik-Tok is not ready to follow the artificial intelligence laws. The reader finds it ironic that Tik-Tok questions the rules that govern it. Therefore, there is a possibility that Tik-Tok can harm people if provoked. Under normal circumstances, robots are expected to be controlled by computers and work according to man's expectations. Unfortunately, Tik-Tok is a different type of Tick-Tok that is always ready to do contrary things.

  3. 3

    What is caustic about human beings in the novel 'Tik-Tok'?

    The author depicts human beings as innocent beings who think that the technology, they invent cannot harm them. For instance, people believe that Tik-Tok is harmless with no capability to be dangerous to human life. However, Tik-Tok is harmful and can injure any person if he gets an opportunity. Additionally, humans trust Tik-Tok when he tells them that he is the right person, and they end up giving him the position of vice president, which provides him with the chance to execute a plan to eradicate all humans from earth.

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