Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Expound the import of the uniformity of scriptures. - "The Inaugural Sermons"

    Aquinas writes, "It (the authority of the scripture) is shown to be efficacious by the uniformity of its sayings, because all who teach the sacred doctrine teach the same thing. I Corinthians 15.11: "Whether then it is I or they, so we preach, and so you have believed.' And this is necessary because thy all had one teacher. Matthew 23.8: ‘Your teacher is one.’ And they had one spirit, ‘Have we not walked in the same spirit?’ and one love from above, ‘Now the multitude of believers were of one heart and one soul’ (Acts 4.32)." First, uniformity minimizes contradictions between the scriptures which would reduce their credibility. Second, uniformity ensures that believers would have standard doctrines that govern their faith. Finally, uniformity reduces misunderstandings and confusion among readers by ensuring that God's message is consistently relayed.

  2. 2

    Deconstruct the meaning of Mary. - “Exposition of the Angelic Salutation (Ave Maria)”

    Aquinas clarifies, “Therefore she was immune to every curse, and thereby blessed amongst women. For she alone put away the curse and carried the blessing, and the door of paradise opened, therefore the name Mary becomes her, which is interpreted Star of the Sea, because just as sailors are directed to port by the star of sea, so Christians are directed by Mary to God.” Mary's name implies that she is not an ordinary woman. She espouses divinity which ranks her above other humanity. She is instrumental in guiding humanity to salvation through her sons who is the savior. Her blessings are unmatched because she is solely selected to bear God's son.

  3. 3

    Compare and contrast Eve to the Virgin Mary. - “Exposition of the Angelic Salutation (Ave Maria)”

    First, Aquinas explains, "The second thing that Eve desired in the fruit was pleasure, because it is good to eat; but she did not find it and immediately knew that she was naked, and felt sorrow. But in the fruit of the Virgin we find sweetness and salvation. John 6.55:' He who eats my flesh has life eternal." Here, Eve's fruit leads to sin and destruction. Comparatively, the Virgin Mary's fruit (Jesus) leads to salvation. Marys' fruit rescues humanity from the repercussions of Eve's fruit.

    Second, Aquinas remarks, “Third, the fruit of Eve was beautiful in appearance; but more beautiful is the fruit of the Virgin on whom the angels desire to gaze. Psalm 44.3: ‘Thou art beautiful above sons of men’: this is because he is the splendour of his father’s glory.” The magnificence of Eve’s fruit is misleading. However, the Virgin Mary’s fruit has authentic beauty which appeals to angels. The Virgin Mary’s fruit rise above the superficiality that lured Eve to sin.

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