There’s a Wocket in my Pocket Literary Elements

There’s a Wocket in my Pocket Literary Elements


Children's Literature, Fiction

Setting and Context

A fictional time at a fictional place

Narrator and Point of View

The story is narrated by a young boy and is told from the first-person perspective.

Tone and Mood

The fun and creative story left me cheerful and amused.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist of the story is the young boy while the antagonists of the story are Nooth Grush.

Major Conflict

The conflict of the story was introduced by the young boy when he was showing the different creatures he has in his house. He mentioned how he dislikes Nooth Grush who stays on his toothbrush. He would have fun with the different creatures he meets in his house except for Nooth Grush.


The peak of the story was when the young boy finally fell asleep at the end of the story.






This story is an allusion to Dr. Seuss's other stories such as the green eggs and ham series which mentioned the Woset in the closet.


The author uses illustrations to give life to the made-up words he used in the story like zamp, nink, and all the other creatures mentioned by the young boy.


At the beginning of the story, the narrator asks, "Do you ever have the feeling there's a zamp in the lamp?" This leads us to think that the creatures the young boy states are imaginary. But, even though they are only made-up, it can be seen that these creatures actually help the young boy in real life.


The feeling of the young boy towards these creatures is parallel to how some children feel about certain things. For example, the young boy mentioned how he hates Nooth Grush who he found on his toothbrush. His thoughts can be compared to those children who dislike brushing their teeth.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The steps, mentioned by the young boy, refers to the staircase.


As mentioned before, the fictional creatures created by the author were given actions and emotions that only people are capable of having.

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