The Writings of Epicurus Irony

The Writings of Epicurus Irony

Do not worry about the details

At the beginning of “Letters to Herodotus”, the narrator claims that the details are not as important and that everyone should strive to understand at least the main ideas presented in his writings. This first claim is ironic because the narrator later admits that the details are extremely important and that without them, it is impossible to fully understand the whole writings and ideas as they should be.

Limitless universe

When Epicurus talks about the universe, he talks about an unlimited space that always existed and which will continue to exist forever. Epicurus criticizes those writers who described the universe as having a fixed border that everyone can reach. To prove that he is right, Epicurus points out that going beyond the border of the universe is easy. All one has to do is reach the border and stick their finger to the other side. Thus, in this case, both the solution and the initial argument that the universe has a limit is presented in an ironic manner.

The Gods are not here to protect you

Epicurus is against the idea of a deity that watches over humanity and punishes them according to their actions. Instead, Epicurus believes there are no real Gods and that they are an invention of civilization when certain natural phenomenons were not easy to understand and instilled fear inside the population. Epicurus points out ironically thus that not the Gods created humanity but rather than humanity was the force that created the Gods.

The importance of pleasures

In some of his most important and well-known writings, Epicurus urges his readers to do everything they can to live a virtuous life. To do this, the author suggests the elimination of all types of pleasures and calls them unnecessary. Ironically, only a few paragraphs later, the author talks extensively about the importance of indulging and why everyone should allow themselves to live a happy and pleasurable life.


At the beginning of his essay about friendship, the author describes it as being the most important and valuable thing a person can have. If a person does not have any close friendship, then he is seen as being in a perpetual state of unhappiness. Ironically, in the same essay, the narrator agrees that there are many things that are a lot more important in the long run and which may not be compatible at times with the idea of a perfect friendship.

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