The Well Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Well Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Well

The plot begins with the two women deciding to throw the person they hit inside the well. The well represents the beginning of the end of a dream life Hester built for herself and Katherine. Aside from the literal that the well is a place where they dispose of the unwanted, dirty things and finally the crime-hiding place, the well represents Hester's acceptance that Katherine has to move forward, that she can't keep her entirely to herself. It is left unclear whether the man from the well was indeed alive or if Katherine's delusion passed onto Hester. It is most likely that Katherine made him up as a way to find escape from Hester's clutches.


Hilde is a woman from Hester's past and a symbol of the time when Hester felt happy, young and safe. Hilde took care of her, played with her, taught her German and overall was a motherly figure to her. Hilde was Hester's father's mistress and Hester vividly remembers the night Hilde had a miscarriage and the next day she was gone. At the end Hester realizes that Hilde thought of taking care of her even in this difficult moment, just like Mr. Bird did.


Joanna is not an active character of the plot, except through her letters for Katherine. Joanna represents an inevitable threat that could result in Hester losing Katherine. Joanna makes Hester jealous, angry and scared. This uncontrollable anger towards a young girl that she doesn't even know is ridiculous and stems from Hester's paranoia and obsession.

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