The Vendor of Sweets

Literary Review

The novel is composed in simple, lucid English that can be read and understood without turning over the pages after a single read. The compositional language is no doubt, plain– to such an extent that even a young school child's vocabulary will be able to comprehend the sense of the tale.

Narayan's skill of writing that allows him to use English to breathe life into his stories with ease can be easily found in this novel. Although Narayan's native language was Tamil ( the language of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu), he utilized English in such a way that allowed his readers to step into the streets of Malgudi, and allowed them to feel the same aromas, the same, bright Indian sunlight and the same feelings of his characters.

Reading Narayan, you soon see, is a little like sitting on a rocking chair in a steadily churning train; the story is always pushing forward, with not a wasted sentence or detail, and yet its theme and often its characters are all about going nowhere and getting somewhere

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