The Vendor of Sweets

The Vendor of Sweets Imagery

Pale Yellow Light (Visual Imagery)

When Jagan is talking to Mali at one point, the narrator describes the light in the room:"his bulb enveloped everything in a pale yellow light, making all faces and all moods look alike."

Smell of Incense (Olfactory Imagery)

At the celebration of Mali's birth there is "A smell of incense, flowers and sandal wood filled the air, as on any auspicious occasion." This olfactory imagery suggests the sanctity and joyfulness of the gathering, it also works to show how strong Jagan's memory is of the occasion.

Muffled Sound of Coins (Auditory Imagery)

The narrator notes that Jagan takes a great deal of caution while putting away his money, describing how the drawer is "padded with a folded towel in order to muffle the sound of coins being emptied from the bronze jug." This auditory imagery suggests the care that Jagan puts into securely storing his profits.

Light at Heart (Haptic Imagery)

After lowering his prices, Jagan is described in the following way: "He felt light at heart after this arrangement." This haptic imagery suggests the metaphorical weight off of his heart, as finally feels that he is acting in a properly charitable manner.