The Truths We Hold Themes

The Truths We Hold Themes

Immigration Reform

As a daughter of immigrants herself, namely a Jamaican father and Indian mother, Harris is a major advocate for immigration reforms. She opposed the 2018 proposal by a faction of Democrats to offer funds to Donald Trump’s bid for building the border wall. In the book, she highlights the challenging and questionable aspects of the immigration policies in attaining citizenship in the nation. Her support for the DREAMers in providing avenues to secure residency and citizenship is also an emphasis. She stresses that the idea of restrictive immigration policies are fostered by the fear and hatred fed to the people by the politicians. Rather than view the negative issues of immigration she highlights the positive impact of immigration on the social and economic spheres in the nation. Thus, the book acts as her campaign towards her mission to push for immigration reforms that loosen the tough restrictions.

Progressive Prosecution in the Justice System

In the book, Harris charts her career as a prosecutor, a former attorney general of California, and district attorney of San Francisco. Therefore highlights the flaws in the justice system that seem to allow for a lack of objectivity in cases due to assumptions. She advocates for progressive prosecution in that the legislative process should be more careful in ensuring fairness. In her accounts stands for the victims of crimes as much as the victims of the defective criminal justice system that occasionally overlooks crucial details. She sheds light on the unfairness in the justice system that is sometimes biased based on race and social background. She highlights her achievements in the legal field as an attorney and the plans in the future towards a progressive justice system.

Social and Economic Inequalities in America

Harris charts both her personal life and political undertakings therefore balances her experiences with those of a larger scale. As a mixed descent child, she and her family faced their share of racial discrimination hence tackles the subject on social issues around race. She asserts her position as a pursuer of social justice thus highlights the problems of marginalized groups in the community. She also affirms a more communal stance for citizens to view their issues, struggles, and values as shared in order to overcome hatred and nurture a sense of community. Consequently, she emphasizes the idea of a more progressive society through engaging and tackling common core matters.

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