The Truths We Hold Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the book ‘The Truth We Hold’ by Kamala Harris?

    The book 'The Truth, We Hold' is significant because it represents Harris' career and political journey. Throughout the book, Harris reflects on her background and the challenges she has gone through to be what she is today. The book reveals that Harris has overcome many barriers to become one of the prominent personalities in the United States Indian while her America's eminent personalities Jamaican and both are immigrants. Despite her complicated background, Harry managed to be the first female American senator of her descent. Similarly, Harris served as California's Attorney-general. Consequently, Harris demonstrates that America is a land of equal opportunities because the background does not dictate one's success.

  2. 2

    According to the author, what gives Harris a new meaning of life?

    Harries has been a career woman, but politics gives her a new meaning of life. Being a Democrat senator, Harris realizes that serving the people is the best experience because it involves solving people's problems. Harries now understands that leadership is not about doing selfish interests but putting the people first. Consequently, Harris is a progressive woman who wants to fight for the well-being of all Americans.

  3. 3

    Why is Harris in the frontline fighting for social justice reforms in her political agenda?

    Harris grew up as a mixed-race child, and she experienced rampant racial discrimination during her time. According to Harris's experiences, marginalized groups in America are subjected to unequal treatment, and yet the Constitution says that all Americans must be treated equally. Therefore, Harris fights for a progressive society that treats each other with dignity.

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