The Trojan Women


Translator Year Style Full text
Robert Potter 1781 Verse [2]
Edward Philip Coleridge 1891 Prose Wikisource, [3]
Gilbert Murray 1911 Verse [4]
Arthur Way 1912 Verse [5]
Moses Hadas and John McLean 1936 Prose
Edith Hamilton 1937 Verse
Richmond Lattimore 1947 Verse available for digital loan
Isabelle Raubitschek and Anthony E. Raubitschek 1954 Prose
Philip Vellacott 1954 Prose and verse
Gwendolyn MacEwen 1981 Prose
Shirley A. Barlow 1986 Prose
Don Taylor 1990 Prose and verse
David Kovacs 1999 Prose
James Morwood 2000 Prose
Howard Rubenstein 2002 Verse
Ellen McLaughlin 2005 Prose
George Theodoridis 2008 Prose [6]
Alan Shapiro 2009 Prose
Emily Wilson 2016 Verse
Anne Carson 2021 Comic Book, verse Euripides' Trojan Women: A Comic, with illustrations by Rosanna Bruno

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