The Tao of Pooh Themes

The Tao of Pooh Themes


This is the key theme of the book and one of the keys to both Taoism and Pooh's happiness. When we look at the things we have we feel gratitude and this enables us to be happy. When we look at what he have for our happiness we are not influenced only outside forces telling us that we need one thing or another that we do not have. Gratitude is what Pooh feels every day when he looks at his friends and his home on Thousand Acre Wood.

Positive Outlook

Pooh gets into a lot of scrapes and difficult situations but they always work out well for him. This is because he assumes that his is what is going to happen. Taoism teaches that a person creates their own reality and so Pooh's attitude of always assuming the best will happen is typical of the theme of the book.

Knowledge versus Education

Pooh's knowledge comes from his experiences. He knows people to be nice and kind because that has been his experience with them. He does not investigate any other possibilities.Owl had education that he has gleaned from books and reading and consequently he thinks that he knows more than Pooh. However knowing things that he has not experienced does not make him happy and Pooh is happier for only knowing what he has learned by experience. The importance of empirical knowledge versus book smarts is one of the major themes of the book.

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