The Tao of Pooh Glossary

The Tao of Pooh Glossary

Wu Wei:

The beings who are in total harmony with nature are able to act without effort and naturally. Involves learning not to think too much.

Tasters of vinegar:

This is a painting that represents the three religious thinkers of the East, Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu, standing on a tub of vinegar and tasting it. The painting shows how they see life.


The Uncut Block The essence of the uncut block is that things, in their original simplicity, contain their own natural power, a power that is easily spoiled when that simplicity is changed.

Cottleston Pie:

Its a song and in the song is said that you should not try to force something because things are what they are, they do not change and you must know the limits of each.

Benjamin Hoff:

He is a writer living in the United States. Two of his works on Taoism, Le Tao de Pooh and Le Te de Porcinet, were great editorial successes.


It is the order of nature that governs existence. Believe in the fraternity of all and in the spirituality of material things.

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