The Struggle of the Naga Tribe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Struggle of the Naga Tribe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The President of Parliament comes to the Naga village in order to inspect the land and speak with the people. He also brings a truck full of soldiers with him, which is a symbol of the government asserting its power over the people rather than the President of Parliament coming to work with them.


The play takes places in the fictional kingdom of Astinam. This is a symbol for Indonesia, and more specifically it is a symbol of the government censoring anything that is critical of their way of ruling.

Keeping Your Land

Abisavam is told by the President of Parliament that the Naga will be able to keep their land, only people from the outside world, tourists will have access to it as well. This is a symbol of how a politician believes they are taking care of their people and justifying their pockets getting fatter.


Abivara has just returned from university overseas. Many of the youth are being sent to Western schools to learn. This is a symbol of Western society indoctrinating the younger generation in order to infuse them with ideologies of capitalism and industrialization, which ultimately wipes out cultural values and traditions for living and growing as a people.


The Queen is seen polishing and then putting on her sunglasses to finish off her dressing. These sunglasses represent the vanity of progress, and the false believe that glamour is advancement and keeping up with the times.

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