The Struggle of the Naga Tribe Metaphors and Similes

The Struggle of the Naga Tribe Metaphors and Similes

Big Boss

The Big Boss is only seen at the very end of the play. He is an international millionaire and is a metaphor for capitalism. It takes from where it has never lived nor attempted to experience. It thinks not of the people, but of profit and answers to no one because their belief is they are above the law as they can buy privilege and make corruption and exploitation justified by paying off the right people.

$1,000,000 Diamond

The Queen receives a diamond valued at one million dollars from Big Boss in order to grant him access to the copper mines in her kingdom. This is a metaphor for the exploitation of the indigenous people of the land in order that an individual in power can get more wealthy and stay in power.

Religious Retreat

Big Boss builds a religious retreat on top of the mountain that he owns. He is rich beyond imagination and he chooses to start a business on meditative religious practices which he sells to big money businessmen. This is a metaphor for the guilt of businessmen who know they have destroyed lands and lives in the name of profit.


Carlos is a journalist and friend of Abivara. He reports what is happening in Astinam to the outside world, but no one in Astinam hears of it because the newspapers don't report it. This is a metaphor for the censorship of any criticism of the Queen and thus taking any reason for their to be a newspaper in Astinam.


An expensive state of the art hospital is built in Astinam. It has facilities for plastic surgery and a pharmacy for patients to get any drug they need to cure their physical ailments. This hospital is a metaphor for how out of touch the Queen and government are with their people. If they were in touch, they would have built 50 practical facilities across the country. This high-end one only serves people who can afford it, and provides mere vanity services.

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