The Stepford Wives Summary

The Stepford Wives Summary

Joanna Eberhart is the main character and protagonist of the Stepford Wives. She is a professional photographer and politically active. She moves with her two children and husband Walter Eberhart from New York City to Stepford. When they arrive, Joanna realizes something surprising: All the wives in Stepford are perfectly groomed, loves cleaning and taking care of their children.

Joanna realizes that something serious is wrong when the once strong-minded and active women turn into a robot-like servant of her husband. Walter Eberhart joins the Men’s Association Club, much to Joanna’s dismay. She tries starting up a Woman’s Association, which flunks, because of lack of interest.

Another newcomer in town, Bobbie Markowe becomes close friends with Joanna, as they both still are strong and independent women. Bobbie turns into a housewife as well, and Joanna knows she must run away. When Joanna returns home and realizes her children are gone, she begs her husband to let her leave, which he refuses her.

She runs but is tracked down by the members of the Men’s Association, and she is taken to Bobbie’s house. Bobbie brandishes a knife at Joanna and that is where the scene ends. Later, Joanna is seen as one of the Stepford Wives, becoming a housewife instead of following her dream of photography. Ruthanne, the next victim of Stepford has entered the town.

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