The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Smith build the theme of treachery in The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight?

    Treachery emerges as the main theme in the novel. Hadley is a young girl who feels betrayed by her father, who marries another woman immediately after divorcing her mother. Hadley’s mother also feels sad that her ex-husband can quickly move on after their divorce. Hadley’s father marries a younger woman and invites Hadley to attend the wedding. Therefore, the actions of Hadley’s father depict treachery because they leave them disillusioned.

  2. 2

    What circumstances made Hadley realize that she had to reconcile with her father?

    When Hadley was young, she failed to comprehend why her father could divorce her mother and move on almost immediately. When Hadley was on her way to London to attend her father’s wedding, she met Oliver at the airport, who was also heading to London to attend a different wedding. Hadley and Oliver spent most of the time together, talking and knowing each other. Hadley realized that she had fallen in love with Oliver. Falling in love at first sight made Hadley rethink and realize that her father also fell in love in a similar way with his younger wife. Therefore, Hadley reconsidered her decision and decided to reconcile with her father. However, she still felt it was wrong for her father to divorce her mother.

  3. 3

    Why did Hadley initially refuse to honor her fathers invitation to the after-wedding party?

    After attending the meeting and playing the role of bridesmaid at her father’s wedding, Hadley does not want anything to do with her father because she wants to be left alone. Hadley knows she betrayed her mother by attending a wedding where her father marries a second wife. Hadley initially refuses her father’s invitation to his party, saying she cannot stand seeing him dancing with another woman. Hadley’s father was hurt by her response, but she insisted she would not attend. However, Oliver later disappointed Hadley, and she reconsidered her decision and attended the wedding party.

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