The Song of the Cid Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    When does the story described in the poem take place?

    The story described in the poem takes place during the time in history known as the Reconquista, or more precisely in the second and third century A.D. During that time, the Spaniards tried to retake control of the Iberic peninsula from the Moors. This conflict was equally a political and religious conflict and it spanned over 700 years. Before the conflict started, the Moors, a Muslim tribe took control over the vast majority of the southern part of the Iberic Peninsula, pushing the Christian Spaniards to the North. This had devastating economic repercussions and pushed the Spanish King to fight against the Muslim troops. Slowly, the Spanish regained control over the region and gave birth in the process to many folk tales and many heroes who stood up against the Moors.

  2. 2

    How can the poem be characterized?

    The poem can be compared with the Iliad and other epic poems since they share many common traits. However, as history proves, The Song of the Cid has many historical elements that are accurate. At its core, the poem remains a national epic poem, telling the story of a brave hero who stood against the oppressors and who, through his bravery, proved his worth. The hero undertakes an epic journey, fraught with dangers and challenges. Time and time again, El Cid manages to win and prove his worth to his King and to the rest of the people.

  3. 3

    Who was El Cid and what is his significance?

    El Cid is the main character in the poem, the brave hero who fights against the Moors. However, El Cid is more than just a character in the poem and was rather a Spanish hero. El Cid was inspired by Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, a knight who lived at the beginning of the 10th century. El Cid lived his life to serve the king and was the one who managed to retake Valencia, where he lived until his death. El Cid and his family died as a result of the war and it is speculated he perished during the siege of Valencia. He is still praised today as a national hero and his importance in history is also given by the fact that the first Spanish National poem was written in his honor.

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