The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair Analysis

The Silver Chair is a splendid book of the series “The Chronicles of Narnia” that has become one of the most famous and favorite books for children and adults around the world. Reading this novel, you will discover the magical enchanting world of Narnia repeatedly. The reader will get into the country, which can be visible only for children and adults with a pure soul and open heart.

This part is quite various from the previous novels of this series. The book is not so cheerful and fabulous. It is darker and more adult. Events occur in new and unusual locations, in a ruined city, in a castle of giants, in a dungeon. Nevertheless, the book remains amusing thanks to the humor of one character named Puddleglum, despite the fact that his humor is black.

The reader again meets with the characters of the previous book and becomes acquainted with the new heroine. The plot is still interesting and unusual. The main personages of The Silver Chair are Eustace Scrubb and his classmate Jill Pole. The book is sometimes very gloomy, some gothic, but everything is permeated with magic. It seems that the wisdom of this book is that adventure is not for the weak in spirit. Those, who hope to escape to the magical country from minute troubles and harmful classmates, will discover that there they will need much more courage, wisdom and heroism beyond the magic door. It is impossible to escape from the war in this way. You can only replace it with another one. However, in the heart of each character, the courageous hero is drowsing and he needs to be awakened.

Yet this story helps the reader to understand one thing – you need to pay attention to the advice of your loved relatives, who wish you well. This book teaches us not to lose an opportunity and necessary moments. Of course, in this book, the reader can find some illogicality concerning the bewitched prince and The Lady of the Green Kirtle, but this is not so significant. The reader will like the main characters from the first pages. Thanks to their mistakes, the main characters become more humane, and the story itself is more believable. During the novel, the characters are changing and growing up. It is interesting to observe them. In general, the sixth part is no less fascinating. It is a significant and important puzzle of the continuation of the favorite story. The Silver Chair is the most unpretentious book about Narnia and fabulous adventures, although it has an interesting idea.

Everyone can find something important and useful for themselves in this book, although, perhaps, you need to learn to “read between the lines” for this. The adventures of the children turn out to be exciting, but they give way to the previous novels of “The Chronicles of Narnia”. There are no epic battles and intense struggle with evil. Perhaps, this part is a kind of respite before the awesome ending. This is Lewis’s idea and embodiment.

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